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P. 103

The Blaker Society ©                       Edmund Blaker

                       The will of  Edmund Blaker  of Nuthurst  was proved  at Chichester  in

               1634/5 (Book 18 f. 347v) . He refers to his sister Elizabeth married to William
               West   (whose  marriage  is recorded at Cuckfield  in 1607) , and  his brother
               Richard with children Richard, Mary and Elizabeth.
                       Richard Blaker and Eleanor Dumbrell, who married at Cuckfield in 1607,
               had seven children baptized there , two of whom died in  infancy.  The  five
               survivors were Mary, Richard, Elizabeth, Henry and John. Doubtless the first
               three of these are the legatees of Edmund. The father, Richard Blaker of Blakers
               in Cuckfield, appears to have been son of Richard Blaker of Cuckfield senior
               who died there in 1623, in which case Edmund would be another son of Richard
               senior. As Richard junior inherited the Blakers by custom of Borough English,
               Edmund would be his elder brother. Richard junior named a child Edmund.
                       Edmund also  made bequests to  three children (George, Thomas and
               Richard) of a George Blaker, whose relationship to him he does not state. The
               son Richard  he  made  his executor. Thomas was still  under age. In  fact,   in
               1617 (17  years earlier)  Edmund  had been  made one of the three trustees and
               executors of the will of George Blaker of Cowfold, to whom the upbringing of
               George’s four  minor children, John, George, Richard and  Thomas, was
               entrusted. Equally, George Blaker in his will makes no statement as to how, if at
               all,  he might  have  been  related  to Edmund, but does refer to William West
               (Edmund’s brother-in-law) as his good friend.
                       There  is nothing to  indicate that Edmund Blaker  married or  left any
               descendants. Doubtless he was buried at Nuthurst.  Although he had appointed
               the young Richard son of George Blaker his executor, in fact administration of
               his goods was granted 24 December 1634 to Edmund’s brother Richard:

               Vicesimo Quarto die Decembris  Anno d’ni 1634  magr’ Gulielmus Nevill  legium d’cor
               Vicarius &c’ Co’misit  Ad’nem  bonorum &c’ Edmundi Blaker nup  dum vixit de Nuthurst
               Arch’inat’ Cicestren’ defuncti Richardo Blaker  fratri n’rali  et l’timo dicti defuncti de bene
               &c’ Jurat’ salvo &c’

               The 24th day of December in the year of the Lord 1634, master William Nevill, doctor of
               laws, vicar  &c. committed administration of the goods  &c. of Edmund Blaker late, when

               11  We need to search Nuthurst parish registers for Richard’s burial, and, indeed, all and any Blaker entries from
               1538 to at least 1640
               12  We have only an abstract of this, plus a scan of the administration: we need a scan of the original.
               13  whom he made an overseer
               14  see CUCKFIELD B
               15  see CUCKFIELD B
               16  see COWFOLD
               17  We need to search Nuthurst parish registers for this
               18  The entry refers back to a previous probate entry on page 271: we need to see this
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