P. 28
The Blaker Society
Title: Cheltenham Chronicle, and Parish Register; and General Advertiser for
Gloucestershire and the Adjoining Counties, xlviii 2,480 5e
7 July 1857
The Annual Grand Meeting the Toxophilite Society was held for the
second time in this town on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday last , and
celebration occasioned a large accession of visitors to Cheltenham. Most of the
members of the London Toxophilite Society arrived on Tuesday, and took up
their quarters at the Plough, Queen’s, Lamb, Royal, Fleece, George, Star and
other hotels, where they found every requisite accommodation and comfort,
enabling them “to take their ease at their inn.” A number of other visitors “put
in an appearance” on Wednesday morning, and on Thursday the arrival lists of
the visitors’ books at the different libraries betokened a strong gathering of
Archers, as well a good attendance of the aristocracy of the county, and the
“Queen of Watering Places” presented a gay, bustling and animated
appearance. The principal thoroughfares and public promenades of
Cheltenham were thronged with groups of ladies, whose charming toilets and
becoming archery costumes made them the admired of all admirers. The fair
ones were in many cases attended by gallant beaux dressed in “Lincoln green,”
who were about to enter the lists as competitors fur the prizes to be awarded
to the successful and best bowmen, and most skilful marksmen. The
arrangements of the Archery Committee were completed on Tuesday evening,
whilst nothing was wanting but fine summer weather and cloudless skies to
render the Toxophilite gathering of 1857 as brilliant and successful if possible
as any of its predecessors, and equally as splendid as the meeting 1856, held in
the “Garden Town of England.” The delightful, and we may say truly beautiful
grounds of Cheltenham College were once more placed at the disposal of the
Archery Committee by the kindness and liberality of the Board of Directors,
11 1, 2 and 3 July 1857