P. 27
The Blaker Society
And it was found that one John Milner of Clayton in Bradford Dale, in the said
county of York, by his Deed of Feoffment indented, bearing date the
nineteenth day of October one thousand six hundred and two, made between
the said John Milner of the one part and John Blaker of Marlebanks, and other
persons in the said Inquisition mentioned of the other part, did enfeoff the said
John Blaker and the said other parties and their heirs of all that house, cottage,
or tenement, with the appurtenances in Bingley abutting on the east and
somewhat on the south part of the churchyard of Bingley; in trust nevertheless
that the rents and yearly profits thereof should from time to time for ever be
employed for the maintenance of a schoolmaster teaching grammar within the
said town of Bingley, or to such other godly uses as should be thought most
meet for the good and common profit of the town and parish of Bingley, and
to no other use, intent, or purpose whatsoever.
Number of references ordered: 10
Item number 7
Source: Printed