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The Blaker Society ©     The will of  Arthur  Blaker of Cuckfield husbandman   was  made 28

                                                    Arthur Blaker


                 August 1618 and proved by  his widow and executrix,  Alice,  20 October
               In the name of God Amen The twenty eight of August in the yeare of our Lord God one
               Thousand six hundred and eighteene I Arthur Blaker of Cuckfyeld in the County of Sussex
               Husbandman being sike of body yet neverthelesse of good and perfecte remembrance all laud
               and prayse  be given  vnto  the almighty   make and ordayne this to bee  my  last will and
               Testament in manner and forme following viz’t Imp mis I give and bequeathe my soule vnto
               Almighty God my maker and Redeemer by whose meanes I hope to be saved and by none
               other  And my body to be buryed in the Churchyard of Cuckfyeld aforesayd  Item I give and
               bequeathe vnto my daughter Margaret Blaker one Joyned bedsteddle w  standeth in the low
               Chamber w  A fetherbedd performed one windescot Cubbord and one brasse pan  Item I give
               and  bequeathe vnto William Butcher and Alice  Butcher sonne and daughter  of Richard
               Butcher of Barlcombe each of them. thre shilling  four pence A peece of good and lawfull
               money of England  Item I give and bequeathe vnto Thomas Garr sonne of Thomas Gurr of
               Barlcombe three shilling   four pence  Item I  give and  bequeathe  vnto my daughter Ellnor
               wyfe of the  forsayd Thomas Gurr twelvepence   Item I give and  bequeathe  vnto my  sonne
               Alexander Blaker one payer of Coarse sheet   and all the  bord   and shelves w   are  in and
               about my  house  Item I give and bequeathe vnto my grandchilde Richard Blaker  three
               shilling   foure pence  Item I give and  bequeathe vnto my sonne  in  law Richard  Kidd one
               Chaffebedd and to his wyfe being my daughter Elizabeth Kidd twelve pence  Item I give and
               bequeathe vnto my grandchild Dorathy  Kidd three shilling   foure pence  Item I  give and
               bequeathe vnto my Grandchilde Margaret Butcher one payer of good sheet   All the rest of
               my good  and Cattell vnbequeathed and not given I give and bequeathe vnto my loving wyfe
               Alice Blaker whome I make and ordayne to be my whole Executrix of this my last Will and
               Testament my  buriall performed and Legacyes payd  And  my  mynde  ys that my  foresayd
               wyfe shall  have and enioye the vse of all such housholdstuffe as  is here before given and
               bequeathed during her naturall life  And I doe ordayne  make and appoynt Edward Genner
               and Thomas Page To be Overseers of this my last will and Testament  In Witnes whereof I
               have herevnto sett my hand in the presence of these   Memorand’ my mynde is that all such
               good  and Chattels as my wyfe hath or shall have after my decease w  is vnbequeathed and
               not given shall after her decease be equally devyded betweene my foure Children  That is to
               say  Alexander, Ellnor, Elizabeth, and Margaret  The  marke of  Arthur Blaker   Edward
               Genner  Thomas Page & me Osmundu’ Salter script’

               Probatu’ Coram Mag’ro Will’mo Inians Presb’ro Surrogato vicesimo die Octobris Anno d’ni
               millesimo sexcentesimo decimo octavo   Juramento Alicie Blaker Relicte d’ci defuncti ac
               Executricis  &c Cui Co’missa  fuit  Administrac’o Bonoru’ &c’ de  bene et fidel’r
               administrando &c’ ad sancta &c’ iurate

               Proved before master William Inians, priest, surrogate, the 20th day of October 1618, by the
               oath of Alice Blaker, relict of the said deceased and executrix &c. to whom was committed

               1  at this period ‘husbandman’ did not mean an agricultural labourer, but rather a farmer of a lesser rank than
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