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P. 69

The Blaker Society ©    proved in 1575:    SELMESTON

                       Evidently John Blaker settled at West Firle, for we have his will there

               In the name of God Amen the xxi daye of August Anno Dni 1570 I John Blaker of the pishe
               of Westfirles within the County of Sussex and wthin the Dices of Chichester beinge sicke and
               weake of body but whole in minde and pfect of remembrannce lauded be God doe make and
               ordaine this  my last will and Testam   in  mann’ and  forme  followinge.  First I bequeth my
               sowle to Almightie God my creator and maker and to my redem’ and saviour Jhessus Christ
               by  whose blud sheadinge I trust  to  obtaine remission of  my sinnes.  And  my  body to be
               buried  in the churchyard of  Westfirles  aforesaid.  And I gyve to  the same church of
               Westferles xii .  And I gyve to the poore mens box ther xii  Item I gyve to the mother church
               of Chichester vi .  Item I will ther be distributed in almes amongst poore people at the daye of
               my buriall ii bushels of wheate to be baked in breade ... barrell of beare and one sheepe if it
               be a daye therfore or els sufficient cheese.  Item I gyve and bequeth to Richard Blaker my
               sonne vii  xiii   iiii  to be delivered to him at the age of xxi yeres.  And I gyve to William
               Blaker my sonne vii xiii  iiii  & one pewter platter to be delivered to him likewise at the age
               of xxi  yeres.  Item I gyve to my sonne Edward Blaker vii   xiii   iiii   my  fetherbed wth the
               boulster therto belonginge and one pewter platter to be delivered to him at the age of xxi
               yeres.  Item I gyve to Joane Blaker my eldest daughter vii  of lawfull money of England to be
               delivered to her at the age of  xxi  yeres or els at the daye of  her  mariage  if she  happen to
               marrie  before that age.   Item I gyve to Jaine?  Blaker  my  second daughter vii of lawfull
               money of England to be delivered to her at the age of xxi  yeres or els at the daye of her
               mariage, if she marry before that age.  Item I gyve to Agatha Blaker my youngest daughter
               vii  of lawfull money of England and one cowe to be delivered to her at the age of xxi yeres
               or els at the daye of her mariage if she marry before that age.  Also I bequeth to ev’ie of my
               daughters one  pewter platter a pece to be delivered to them and ev’ie of them at the tyme
               above appointed.  And if it fortune any of my sonnes to die or dep’t this p’sent world before
               they be of age to receave this their legacy gyven unto them or eyther of them then I will that
               his pt so dep’ted or deceased shalbe equally shifted and devided betwixt the other  of  my
               sonnes then survivinge or beinge alyve.  And if it fortune anie of my daughters to dep’t this
               p’sent world before ther sev’all age or dayes of mariage to receave this their legacy appointed
               to them and eyther of them then I will that her yt so deceased shalbe equally devided amongst
               the other of my daughters then survivinge being  on’ lyve.  And  my will  and  minde is that
               neither any of my sonnes to intermedle or have any thinge to doe wth any pt or porcon of my
               daughters legacs and bequethes neyther yet anie of my daughters to intermedle or have anie
               thinge to doe wth anie pt or porcon of my sonnes legacs and bequethes but that  ev’ie one of
               them in their degree and nature to be contented wth their pt and porcon of goods as I have
               limited unto them accordinge to the true meaninge of this my last will.  ... my will and minde
               is that Agnes my wiffe and John Blaker  my eldest sonne shall  have hole use occupye and
               enioye ioyntly  together my farme wth [sic] I hold of Mr John Jeffery Sergant at the Lawe
               duringe the space and terme of yeres yet to come conteyned and expressed in a lease therof
               made.  And I will that the said John my sonne shall susteyne and beare equall charges wth
               Agnes my wiffe in all things touchinge the occupyinge  of the said farme as in kepinge of
               howse, payinge and discharginge all  mann’ of  ...  to whatsoev’ psons.  And  my will and
               minde is that Agnes my wiffe for her pt and John my sonne for his pt shall bringe up  my
               children  honestly  vertuouslye and  in the  feare of God  till they and ev’y  of them doe
               accomplishe ther sev’all ages of xxi yeres or ther dayes of mariage, if anie of them marrie
               before that  age.  And if the said John doe refuse to beare and paye equall charges wth my

               27  Lewes Archdeaconry Book A 6 324, B 1 27
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