Page 62 - 3rdPub1
P. 62

The Blaker Society ©     r   r             SELMESTON          r    r

               Petrus Hanelys Capellanus  p  Attorn’ suu’ op’ se iiij   die v sus  Simonem Austen’ nup  de
               Selmeston’ in Com’ p d’co Husbondman’ +de pl’ito q’d reddat ei quadraginta solidos+  Et
               v sus Rob’tum Thaccher nup  de Selmeston’  in Com’ p d’co Husbondman’   Joh’em Blaker
               nup de Selmeston in Com’ p d’co Husbondman’  Joh’em Raynger nup de Barwyk in Com’
               p d’co  Husbondman’   Rob’tm Martyn nup  de  Selmeston  in Com’ p d’co Capellanu’ &
               Joh’em Rolfe nup  de Selmeston in Com’ p d’co Husbondman’ de +pl’ito+ q’d reddant ei
               quadraginta solidos quos ei debent & iniuste detinent &c’  Et ip’i non ven’  Et prec’ fuit vic’
               q’d sum’ eos &c’  Et vic’  modo mand’ q’d nichil h’ent &c’ I’o capiant  q’d sint hic a die
               pasche in xv dies  &c’

               Peter Hanelys chaplain by his attorney appears for the fourth day against Simon Austen late
               of Selmeston in the county aforesaid  husbondman  in  a plea that he render him 40s; and
               against Robert Thaccher late of Selmeston in the county aforesaid husbondman, John Blaker
               late of Selmeston in the county aforesaid husbondman, John Raynger late of Selmeston in the
               county aforesaid  husbondman, Robert Martyn late of Selmeston in the county aforesaid
               chaplain and John Rolfe late of Selmeston in the county aforesaid husbondman in a plea that
               they render him 40s that they owe him and unjustly detain &c.; and they have not come; and
               it had been ordered the sheriff to summon them &c.; and the sheriff now reports that they
               have nothing (in his bailiwick in lands or chattels  whereby they might be attached)  &c.;
               therefore let them be taken, to be here on the quindene of Easter &c.

                       This  Peter  Hanelys  or  Havelys  doubtless  had  this  claim  on  the  five
               Selmeston  husbandmen and a  former chaplain, Robert Martin,  relating  to
               collection of tithes or some other ecclesiastical dues.  The Valor Ecclesiasticus
               of 1535 for Selmeston says:

               Antorius  Lysle cl’icus vicarius ib’m valet clare per annu’ cum om’ib  profic’ et co’modit’
               ultra ix  ann  sol’ ep’o p pcurac’oe & xviij  annuatim sol’ eidem ep’o pro sinodalib  annuis
               vij£ vs. vijd.

               Antorius Lysle clerk, vicar there: it is  worth clear per annum, with all profits and
               commodities, besides 9d a year paid to the bishop for procuration, and 18s a year to the
               same bishop for yearly synodals: £7 5s 7d

               As the  incumbent then was a vicar rather than a rector, the great tithes  must
               have been stripped from the foundation and be in other hands: so any claim for
               tithes might not be from the incumbent in 1546. However, the claim in this case
               may have been for the legacies and obits due on William the father’s death, in
               which case Peter would be representing (or actually be) the current vicar. The
               otherwise unknown name Havelys of Hanelys is probably a total misreading by
               the clerk at Westminster, for Parys, as we have this Lewes Archdeaconry will:

               13  9 May 1546
               14  We need to know who were incumbents of Selmeston at this period.
               15  volume 1 page 340 of the printed transcript
               16  sic
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