Page 46 - ‘A Blaker Family History’ The family history of Joseph Blaker (1916-2007; ‘Joe’)
P. 46

© The Blaker Society
    © The Blaker Society

                          “This is to acquaint the curious that Mr. Blacker, the Modern Colossus, or
                          Wonderful Giant, who has given universal satisfaction, is to be seen in a
                          commodious room in Half Moon Court adjoining Ludgate. This phenomenon
                          in nature hath already had the honour of being inspected by great numbers
                          of nobility and gentry, by many of the Royal Society, and several gentlemen
                          and ladies who are lovers of natural curiosities; who allow him to be of
                          stupendous height and affirm him to be the best proportioned of his size
                          they ever saw. He is to be seen by any number of persons from nine in the

                          morning till nine at night.”

                          Henry was variously known as ‘The Cuckfield Giant’, and ‘The British

                          Giant’. His many admirers included William, Duke of Cumberland.

                          It is not known what Henry’s family thought of his exhibitionist activities,
                          nor the money and fine clothes that must have resulted. There are no
                          records of Henry’s death. It is likely that he did not marry, and that his
                          condition was caused by excessive amounts of growth hormone in
                          childhood, due to a pituitary gland tumour, or genetic abnormality.

                                     Grave of William & Elizabeth Blaker, St. Mary Magdelene, Bolney

                                               Henry Blaker: Etching by Carpenter

                          6.14.8 Moses Blaker (1730-1730)
                          Born: 1730, Bolney, Sussex
                          Christened: 18 August 1730, St. Mary Magdelene, Bolney, Sussex
                          Died: October 1730, aged c. 2 months; Bolney
                          Buried: 11 October 1730; St. Mary Magdelene, Bolney, Sussex

                          In the churchyard of St. Mary Magdelene there is a tiny round headstone
                          next to the graves of Richard and Jane Blaker. It is tempting to speculate
                          that this stone marks the final resting place of Moses, the last child born
                          to Jane.

                          6.15 James Blaker (1738-1779); Child of James Blaker (1708-1784)

                          and Sarah Back (    -1779)
                          Born: 1738, Cuckfield, Sussex
                          Christened: 5 May 1738, Holy Trinity, Cuckfield, Sussex
                          Married: 7 April 1768, aged 30 years, married Elizabeth Easton; St.
                          Nicholas, Worth, Sussex
                          Died: January 1779, aged 41 years, Worth, Sussex
                          Buried: 13 January 1778, St. Nicholas, Worth, Sussex

                          James was the first child born to James and Sarah Blaker. Nothing is
                          known about James’ life until he married Elizabeth Easton in 1768.
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