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The Blaker Society © Ed’us Challoner gen’ 7. Ja: 20 Ja: 29. Eliz: tenet j cotagiu’ &. vna’ acr’ terr’ eid’ adiacen’
h’iett vj de c to fin’ vj de c to fin’ vj de c to p redd’ ij
Edmund Challoner
Edmund Challoner was buried at Cuckfield in 1611:
1611. Dec. 10 Edmonde Chaloner, gent. & sinnier, a batchelor of famoze
memorie, which was borne & baptized 5 Sept. 1538, of age
three score & 13.
There is also this burial:
1611. Apr. 10 Jane d. of Ann greene, widdowe, gent. M edmond
chaloner’s brother’s daughter.
Edmund Challoner therefore acquire his half of Amfreys (in 1581) when he was
about 43 years old.
In 1901 Lieut.-Col. F. W. T. Attree, R.E., F.S.A. published his Notes on
the Family of Chaloner of Cuckfield. He prints this abstract of the will of
William Challoner of Cuckfield, made in 1557, in which Edmund his son, then
under 23, had a legacy of £10:
“xvth day of december” 1557 “I wyll’m chaloner of the pyshe of cuckefelde gent” “to be
buried w in the churche earthe of Cuckefylde” — to poor at burial 6 /8 — to John Chaloner
my sonne £20 — to Margaret Chaloner my dowghter £20 and a Cowe — to Nynyan my
sonne my brandyrons in the plor and my sylver salte and my sylver spones after the death of
my wife — to Edmunde Chaloner my sonne £10 — The Resydwe to Issabell Chaloner my
wiffe & Nynyan Chaloner my eldest sonne whom executors. — My salt seler of sylver & gylt
& my sylver spones being sex spones to Issabell my wiffe for life she to have the custodye of
yt so that at any time when soever the sayd nynyan my sonne shall occupy yt at any time
ether with his brydall or churchinge of his wiffe whensoeu yt shall please god to call him to
yt the sayd Issabell my wiff shall delyu yt to him whensoever he shall occupye yt. — Issabell
my wiffe shall have here dwellinge in my howse of homsted with her chamber rome &
ffewell sufficyent for here occupyenge durynge the tyme of her widowhedd w owt lette of
my sonne or any other pson — the £20 I have gyven to John Chaloner my son to be delyu ed
to him at 24 — Margaret my daughter shall have at the day of her marriage £10 and a Cowe
& the other £10 a year after — Edmund Chaloner my sonne shall have the £10 at 23 —
James my servaunt shall have a twoyerynge effer within two years after my decease — Alyce
my servaunt shall have Imedyatelye after my decease 12 — Nynyan burrell, Thomas burrell
9 p. 139 of the printed transcript
10 curiously, the printed register omits the full entry, which is given by Lieut.-Col. Attree as: 1611. Dec. 10.
“Edmond Chaloner gent & sen a bachelor of famous memory which was born and baptised the 5 of September
1538 : : of age three score & 13. both loving & welbeloved and woorthey of good fame for a memoriall.”
11 p. 138 of the printed register
12 Sussex Archæological Collections xliv
13 p. 127