Page 38 - 3rdPub1
P. 38
The Blaker Society © Copia test’i Walteri Knygh’t de P ston p dict’
Walter Knyght of Preston, 1482
In Dei no’ie amen Anno d’ni M CCCClxxxij vij v o die Me’sis Noue’br’
Ego Walterus Knygh’t de Preston sane memorie existens condo test’m
meu’ in hunc modu’ In p mis lego a’iam mea’ o’ipoten’ deo &c’ corpus
q’ meu’ sepeliend’ in cimiterio de P ston Ite’ lego su’mo altari ecc pro
de P ston xijd’ Ite’ eccl’ie cicestren’ vjd’ Ite’ fabrici eccl’ie de p ston
iiijd’ iijs’ iiijd’ Ite’ volo q vxor mea delib’et dict’ ecc iij quos recepi a
Joh’e Hamond in brasio Ite’ lumini s’ci Nich’i iiijs’ quos recepi in stipite
ad sustenta’d’ dictu’ lumen Item iijs’ iiijd’ quos rec’ p xvj li’ lane Ite’
volo q vxor mea & gard’i d’ce eccl’ie petant a Ric’o Scrase xijd’ Ite’ de
eode’ p vna ove morbida xd’ Ite’ eide’ eccl’ie xvjd’ q s rec’ a Radulpho
blaker s Ide’ Radulph rec’ ab Alicia cony de brightelmeston Residuu’
vero bonor do & lego Alicie vxori mee qua’ facio mea’ execut ce’ &
Henric’ Est’ supvisore’ &c’
Copy of the testament of Walter Knyght of Preston aforesaid
In the name of God, amen, in the year of the Lord 1482, on the 7th day of
the month of November, I, Walter Knyght of Preston, being of sound
memory, make my testament in this manner. Firstly, I leave my soul to
Almighty God &c. and my body to be buried in the churchyard of
Preston. Also I leave to the high altar of the parish church of Preston
12d. Also to the church of Chichester 6d. Also to the fabric of the church
of Preston 3s 4d. Also I will that my wife shall deliver to the said church
3s that I received from John Hamond in malt. Also to the light of St
Nicholas 4s that I received in the offering box for the upkeep of the said
light. Also 3s 4d that I received for 16 lbs of wool. Also I will that my wife
and the wardens of the said church shall get 12d from Richard Scrase:
also, from the same, for a fat sheep, 10d. Also to the same church 16d
that I received from Ralph Blaker, which the same Ralph received from
Alice Cony of Brightelmeston. The rest of my goods I give and leave to
Alice my wife, whom I make my executrix, and Henry Est overseer &c.